- Tabloid Newspaper
- Printed on Newsprint Paper
- 44 000 Copies Distributed Weekly
- Frequency: Weekly Tuesday
- Target Audience: Local Community
- Area of Distribution: Atlasville, Berdene Ext 1&2, Beyerspark, Boksburg Central, Boksburg North, Boksburg South, Cason, Cinderella, Commet, Boksburg, Dawn Park, Delmore Gardens, Dyanglen, Hughes, East Rand Mall Area, East Village, Fara Park, Freeway Park, Groeneweide, Klipportjie, Impala Park, Witkoppie Ride, Jansenpark, Libradene, Lillianton, Morgan Ridge, Parkdene, Parkrand, Plantation, Ravensklip, Ravenswood, Reiger Park, Sunward Park, Vandyk Park, Witfield.
Originally titled the Boksburg Herald, the Boksburg Advertiser traces its roots back to 1895. Given its long and interesting history, the Boksburg Advertiser has continued to bring residents high quality news through an Anglo-Boer War, the First World War, the Second World War, the beginnings and end of apartheid, the politically turbulent 1980s, the birth of democracy in South Africa, votes of no-confidence and more. The newspaper has built an unshakeable reputation for its exceptional reporting on local and community news, schools news, local sports results and fixtures, municipal and crime news, new lifestyle trends and entertainment news. Moreover, the editorial team remains firmly committed to upholding the Boksburg Advertiser’s high standing as a valued community member in the area it serves.
Along with sister publications within the Amalgamated Press stable, the Boksburg Advertiser was bought by Caxton CTP in the early 1980s, and continues to be one of the country’s most popular community newspapers. Today, the Boksburg Advertiser has adopted the tabloid size format, and is distributed free-of-charge to 44 000 households.
In addition to its role as the premier provider of community news in Boksburg, the Boksburg Advertiser also contains high quality advertising sheets that keep household expenditure decision makers well informed about the latest retail and service offerings in the area. This helps consumers plan shopping lists that ensure value for money. For advertisers, given its wide and sizeable audience, the Boksburg Advertiser is a peerless marketing channel that reaches an economically active market.
Some statistics about the Boksburg Advertiser (2013):
- Readers do most of their shopping at East Rand Mall
- 56% are female; 44% are male
- 36% are Afrikaans; 46% are English
- 63% are employed full time.
- 33% fall in the LSM 10 category, while 28% fall in the LSM 9 category.
- 35% fall in the 35-49 year age category, while 23% fall in the 25 -34 year age category.
- Average house income is approximately R25 000.