010 971 3722 ch@sparkmedia.co.za

Kempton Express

  • Tabloid Newspaper
  • Printed on Newsprint Paper
  • 55 850 Copies Distributed Weekly
  • Frequency: Weekly Thursday
  • Target Audience: Local Community
  • Area of Distribution: Allen Grove, Aston Manor, Birch Acres, Birch Acres Ext 5, Birch Acres Ext 8, Birchleigh, Birchleigh North, Bonaero Park, Caro Nome, Cresslawn, Croyden, Edleen, Ester Park, Glen Acres, Glen Marais, Glen Marais Ext, Kemptonpark CBD, Kempton Ext 2, Kempton Ext 4, Kempton Park West, Nimrod Park, Norkem Park, Pomona, Rhodesfield, Terenure, Van Riebeeckpark

The roots of the Kempton Express are to be found in the Kempton Nuus, a sold newspaper that was owned and run by the Eybers family. When the growing Caxton CTP group bought the Kempton Nuus in the early 1980s, a daring decision was taken to move the publication to a new business model that, at the time, drew scepticism from the industry: the paper was to be renamed and would be distributed free-of-charge to households and other strategic collection points. This alone, however, was not the key to the Kempton Express’s tremendous success and longevity.

The high editorial standards and a firm commitment to consistent journalistic excellence and integrity quickly established the title as a premier community newspaper that readers looked to for quality reporting on local and community news, schools news, local sports results, lifestyle and entertainment news, and more. Over the years, the Kempton Express has gone from strength to strength and today enjoys a truly impressive reputation for being a valued and trusted member of the communities it serves. Independent research has found that its market penetration sits at an incredible 83%, outperforming competitors by a considerable margin.

In addition to the provision of relevant and interesting news items that speak to the daily lives of its readers, the Kempton Express fulfils another vitally important role: readers look to the paper’s accompanying advertising inserts for useful information regarding value for money retail and service offerings in the area. This is to say that many household decision makers use the advertising sheets to draw up shopping lists. For established and emerging businesses, this means that the Kempton Express is an extremely powerful marketing channel that reaches an economically active population.

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