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Pretoria Rekord West
  • Tabloid Newspaper
  • Printed on Newsprint Paper
  • 20,250 Copies Distributed Weekly
  • Frequency: Weekly Friday
  • Target Audience: Local Community
  • Area of Distribution: Atterdigeville, Booysens, Claremont, Danville, Daspoort, Daspoort Estates, Elandspoort, Hermandstad, Kirkney, Kwaggasrand, Lotus Gardens, Mountain View, Philip Nel Park, Pretoria Gardens, Pretoria West, Proclamation Hill, Suiderberg and Wespark.

Located about 50km north of Johannesburg and surrounded by the foothills of the Magaliesberg mountains, the city of Pretoria is South Africa’s administrative capital and home to government departments, ministries, foreign embassies and diplomatic missions.

Buildings in Pretoria feature a marked colonial influence, along with touches of art deco and South African-style architecture. City landmarks worth visiting include the Union Buildings (South Africa’s seat of government), the Voortrekker Monument (a granite edifice commemorating the Voortrekkers’ journey from the Cape to the hinterland and which is a National Heritage Site), Mahlamba Ndlopfu (the President’s house in Pretoria), the South African Reserve Bank, Loftus Versfeld sports stadium and the South African State Theatre.

Pretoria West is where Pretoria Rekord West is found. As part of Pretoria’s largest and most influential community newspaper group, this newspaper reaches the community on a weekly basis informing them about local news of importance as well as the latest retail news and where to find the best services and products. Pretoria Rekord West editorial focus is divided into hard news, community, school, sport and entertainment news and offers something for everyone to read, from school children to pensioners. With Research statistics showing that the Rekord group of newspapers reaches the majority of the Pretoria market at (71 %) as opposed to other daily, weekly and monthly publications (27 %), it pays to advertise in the Pretoria Rekord West to reach your target market.

19,250 copies of this newspaper are delivered every Friday into Atterdigeville, Booysens, Claremont, Danville, Daspoort, Daspoort Estates, Elandspoort, Hermandstad, Kirkney, Kwaggasrand, Lotus Gardens, Mountain View, Philip Nel Park, Pretoria Gardens, Pretoria West, Proclamation Hill, Suiderberg and Wespark.

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