010 971 3722 ch@sparkmedia.co.za

Chatsworth Rising Sun

  • Tabloid Newspaper
  • Printed on Newsprint Paper
  • 51 258 Copies Distributed Weekly
  • Frequency: Weekly Tuesday
  • Target Audience: Local Community
  • Area of Distribution: Arena Park, Bayview, Buffelsbosch, Burlington Heights, Chatsworth, Chiltern Heights, Croftdene, Crossmoor, Harinagar, Havenside, Kharwastan, Malvern, Queensburgh, Mobeni Heights, Monford, Moorton, Savannah Park, Shallcross, Sliverglen, Umhatuzana, Westcliff.

Established in 1986 by CEO, Vijay Mararaj, the Chatsworth Rising Sun was the first title in the Rising Sun stable of publications. Chatsworth Rising Sun was created when Vijay recognised that Chatsworth, as an Indian-designated area under the oppressive apartheid-era zoning laws, was in dire need of an affordable and reputable newspaper to serve the community and address pertinent local issues. The paper quickly grew in stature, and today remains the publication of choice for Chatsworth residents looking for local and hyperlocal news, municipal news, community and school news, and local sport, charity, and entertainment news. In the new democratic era the Chatsworth Rising Sun, along with many of its readers, still celebrates its heritage and unique culture.

Over the past three decades the in the media industry, the publication has built (and continues to maintain) a trusting relationship with several generations of readers, and has never stopped in its mission to attain high levels of journalistic and editorial excellence. Indeed, as a professional media organisation, the Rising Sun stable aims to serve its communities as best possible by delivering on its promise to report accurately and without prejudice.

Additionally, Chatsworth Rising Sun’s well-managed online platform is never more than a few clicks away.

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