- Tabloid Newspaper
- Printed on Newsprint Paper
- 15 200 Copies Distributed Weekly
- Frequency: Weekly Thursday/Friday
- Target Audience: Local Community
- Area of Distribution: Madadeni, Newcastle, and Osizweni
The Eyethu KwaZulu-Natal brand was created in 2008, and is today the biggest Black owned stable of publications operating within the province. There are eleven community newspapers falling under the auspices of Eyethu KZN, which together circulate over 301 000 copies on a weekly basis. The Eyethu readership is wide and extensive, and its continued support for the media organisation is indicative of the fact that the Eyethu brand is respected and trusted by the communities it serves. As with other local and community newspapers, typical items include community news, municipal news, profiles and interviews with notable locals (especially those who are struggling against hardship or on behalf of the public), uplifting stories, and church and charity news.
Eyethu Amajuba is also proud to be an isiZulu and English medium publication, thereby reaching an audience that could otherwise be excluded from the reach of the media industry. The choice of isiZulu as the primary language has also ensured, due to the demographics of its distribution area, a large and loyal audience.
Eyethu Amajuba is the principal publication for isiZulu residents of Newcastle and Madadeni, and its name pays tribute to Zulu history as “Amajuba” (meaning “place of doves”) was named thus by Shaka’s ipmi warriors in 1825. The area enjoys a rich cultural heritage, and is closely associated with the many 19th century wars fought in Northern KwaZulu-Natal.