- Tabloid Newspaper
- Printed on Newsprint Paper
- 15 200 Copies Distributed Weekly
- Frequency: Weekly Thursday
- Target Audience: Local Community
- Area of Distribution: Ezakheni, Ladysmith, Steadville
Eyethu KwaZulu-Natal is noteworthy for many reasons, but the fact that the stable of publications, with a combined total of 301 000 circulating copies across 11 titles, is the largest black owned community newspaper stable operating in KZN makes Eyethu KZN truly remarkable. Another noteworthy feature of the brand is the choice of isiZulu as the primary language medium. This not only allows the various titles to reach a much neglected audience, but (owing to the language demographics of the province) to maintain a loyal and appreciative readership. Given its impressive penetration, Eyethu KZN continually strives to serve its audience only high quality news that is relevant, useful and, when appropriate, uplifting – something much needed. The stable’s readership is extensive, and it has worked hard to gain trust as a credible and unbiased source of important community news.
When residents of the uThukela municipal district are looking for local, community, schools, events, charity, organisational, church, lifestyle and local sports news, they turn to their trusted friend, Eyethu uThukela. The municipality includes the historically rich regions of Ladysmith and Ezakheni, both of which have been become increasingly important commercial hubs over the past few years owing to improved incomes and enlarged business activity.
The newspaper is committed to bringing its valued readers up to date news from the area, and enjoys a reputation for being an initiated and respected member of the broader community. The uThukela district is in close proximity to the stunning Drakensberg Mountains, and many towns in the area are lucky enough to have spectacular views of one of SA’s most treasured natural wonders.