- Tabloid Newspaper
- Printed on Newsprint Paper
- 40 000 Copies Distributed Weekly
- Frequency: Weekly Wednesday
- Target Audience: Local Community
- Area of Distribution: Ballito, Salt Rock, Blythedale, Chaka’s Rock, Sheffield, Darnall, Maidstone, Mandeni, Tugela, Shakaskraal, Stanger, Tinley Manor, Tongaat, Umdloti, Umhlali, Westbrook, La Mercy, Zinkwazi
There can be no doubt that community and family go hand in hand, so it should quite naturally follow that as a family run publication, the North Coast Courier has earned the trust and unwavering support of the communities it serves. Founded in 1985 by experienced journalist Bruce Stephenson (who sold his beautiful MGB sports car to fund the project) and his wife, Rose, the North Coast Courier now enjoys a wide readership and has a circulation of 33 000 copies distributed weekly.
Knowing that the continued success of the publication rests on bringing its audience local and community news that is reliable, accurate and credible, the current editorial team is firmly committed to achieving and maintaining only the highest standard of journalistic excellence. It is worth noting that the North Coast Courier is the largest community newspaper in its area of distribution.
The north coast of KwaZulu-Natal is undergoing significant economic growth with the development of the KZN Northern Growth Corridor, which stretches from Durban in the South through to Richards Bay and continues right up to the border of Mozambique, covering the municipalities of Durban (eThekwini), Richards Bay (UThungulu), Ballito and Stanger (iLembe) and Mkuze (uMkhanyakude).
The North Coast Courier has, over the past 30 years, evolved with its community, and today averages 44 pages per week, making the publication the best source of local, community, local sports, entertainment and schools news available in the area. The newspaper is also the medium of choice for retail, classified and legal advertising.
Additionally, and in keeping with the times, the newspaper has established a strong online presence, and in doing so, brings relevant community news to the World Wide Web – which is to say that the world of local news is never more than a few clicks away.
The North Coast Courier gives advertisers access to a wide shopping community on the KZN north coast, and is a powerful marketing avenue for advertisers looking to reach their preferred target market.