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Eyethu Ugu

  • Tabloid Newspaper
  • Printed on Newsprint Paper
  • 37 000 Copies Distributed Weekly
  • Frequency: Weekly Wednesday
  • Target Audience: Local Community
  • Area of Distribution: Bizana, Port Shepstone, Shelly Beach, Umtwalume, Uvungo, Port Edward

Circulating a combined total of 301 000 weekly copies across its eleven titles, Eyethu KZN is proud of the fact that it holds the distinction of being the largest black owned stable of community newspapers in the province. Established in 2008, the stable serves diverse communities, including urban, suburban, agricultural and rural populations, and given its impressive reach as a media and news outlet, the brand has committed itself fully to maintaining the highest standards of journalistic excellence. As Eyethu has chosen isiZulu as its preferred language, the various titles have built a large and loyal following due to the language demographics of KZN. The use of isiZulu has also meant that the newspapers are accessible to people not well-versed in other South African languages.

Eyethu Ugu is an offering from the Eyethu KZN stable that operates within the communities of Ugu and the lower KZN south coast, bringing residents important local and community news, church and charity news, school and local sports events, and municipal and entertainment news. In addition to the above list, advertising inserts in Eyethu Ugu are also a vital source of information regarding retail and service offerings, shopping bargains and specials. Towns found within the distribution area include tourist friendly Margate, Uvongo, laid back Port Shepstone, scenic Hibberdene, Scottburgh, Port Shepstone and Park Rynie.

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