010 971 3722 ch@sparkmedia.co.za

  • Tabloid Newspaper
  • Printed on Newsprint Paper
  • 22 500 Copies Distributed Weekly
  • Frequency: Weekly Tuesday
  • Target Audience: Local Community
  • Area of Distribution: Isipingo, Merebank, Merewent, Wentworth

The respected and popular Rising Sun newspaper stable was founded in the politically turbulent 1980s by Vijay Maharaj. As the apartheid era zoning laws segregated communities by ethnicity, Vijay recognised that there was a pressing need for reputable community newspapers to address the issues faced by residents of South African Indian areas as mainstream media had neglected this sector of society for far too long. The Rising Sun stable, in response to this inattention, produced local newspapers that serve the communities of Chatsworth, Verulam, Phoenix, Tongaat, Mid-South Coast and Overport in KwaZulu-Natal; and the communities of Mayfair, Fordsburg, Lenasia and Laudium in Gauteng.

Since the inception of South Africa’s democratic era, these once “Indian only” communities still manage to celebrate their unique cultural heritage and complex history even as the state-imposed racial barriers, which plagued so many in the country, recede into the past.

Since the democratisation of South Africa in 1994, the Rising Sun stable remains firmly committed to building a new South Africa that rejects the racism and inequality apartheid entrenched through its oppressive laws.

Situated in the South Durban Basin, Merebank was one of the “Indian only” areas mentioned above, and today most of its many residents are of Indian descent; prominent languages in the region therefore not only include English (and other SA languages), but also Tamil and Urdu.

Given the distinctive needs of the population, the Merebank Rising Sun is perfectly positioned to deliver on its promise to provide residents with relevant and high quality local and community news, local sports news, events news, schools news and entertainment news. Moreover, the Merebank Rising Sun has a deep understanding of Indian diaspora culture, which, in combination with the fact that it has over thirty years’ worth of experience in being a reliable and credible news source in Merebank, has made the publication a trusted member of the community at large.

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