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Corridor Gazette

Corridor Gazette is located in Nkomazi (Malelane). Nkomazi municipality is home to giant processors of sugar cane the Selati Company and to various coal mines. The municipality has a gate to the country’s biggest National park, The Kruger National Park, Mozambique and Swaziland.

Corridor Gazettes history can be traced back to the days when it was published as a monthly supplement to the Lowvelder before it was finally launched as a fully-fledged community newspaper in 2005.This newspaper which is also known as the “The heart-beat of Nkomazi” has a comprehensive editorial policy which allows the newspaper to cover community affairs, sport and school news, event and organization news, hard news,  issues that have an impact on the economic success of Nkomazi and its people and much more.

Corridor Gazette is a popular publication with business houses using it as a reliable medium to reach markets through affordable advertising. This newspaper 6,000 print order is distributed into Hectorspruit, Kamhlushwa, Komatipoort, Leopard Creek, Malelane, Marloth Park and Naas.

  • Tabloid Newspaper
  • Printed on Newsprint Paper
  • 9,000 Copies Distributed Weekly
  • Frequency: Weekly Thursday
  • Target Audience: Local Community
  • Area of Distribution: Hectorspruit, Kamhlushwa, Komatipoort, Leopard Creek, Malelane ,Marloth Park and Naas.

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